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Featured Event

Australian Public Service Commission Workforce Planning Development

The Australian Public Service Commission Centre of Excellence delivered a three(3) day in country training in Nauru to a total of 26 HR personnels from the 29th – 31st August, 2023.

The training was organized and facilitated by the HR Division of the Chief Secretary’s Department and had centered on building the capacity of HR personnel to understand the workforce needs of their respective departments and how they can better plan their workforce in order to achieve their own Departmental goals and strategies.

The training emphasized the importance to understand and engage in workforce development as it enhances the ability of organisations to plan and shape their respective teams both for now and into the future in order to have the right people and skills to support in the delivery of organizational outcomes

The HR Division under the Chief Secretary Department continues to work with the Australian Public Service Commission to deliver other similar HR related trainings in country to Nauru public employees.

The Australian Public Service Commission had extended their assistance in both funding and the services of the following facilitators who had travelled to Nauru to deliver the said training: Ingrid Nielsen, Assistant Director – International APSC, Marlee Law, Assistant Director – APS Centre of Excellence for Workforce Planning, Ayeesha Abbasi, Assistant Director – APS Centre of Excellence for Workforce Planning.

Nauru Government acknowledges the assistance extended by the Government of Australia through Australia Public Service Commission.

Featured Event

Kaikairu Micronesian Public Service Commissioners Event

The Public Service Fale was established in January 2020 as a Pacific-led Public Service centre of excellence. The Fale serves and facilitates Pacific Public Service Commissioners (PPSCs) to achieve their goals and strengthen public services for their citizens.

The Fale serves 16 Pacific countries including Nauru. The Fale delivers co-designed regional programmes ad provides tailored maulti-lateral and bilateral support. IT focuses on delivering practical tools and information to support public sector strengthening, based on the stated needs of Pacific public service leaders.

The first in-country Sub-regional conference for the Micronesian Public Service Commissioners was held in Nauru from the 11th – 13th September, 2023. The Office of the Chief Secretary Nauru hosted this meeting.

Ms. Tania Ott, Deputy Commissioner for the Fale says, “The deep value in this meeting is that Micronesia’s Public Service leaders can come together face to face for the first time since Covid-19 to understand each other’s challenges and share ideas around solutions.

These discussions will be important to understand how we might leverage the strengths and expertise that exists across the region to support the goals of Pacific Public Service Commissions”.

The common issues across the Micronesian States during the conference will be collated and further discussed during the November Pacific Public Service Commissioners Conference in Wellington.

Get in Touch

If you wish to get in touch with the Budget and Organisational Unit please contact:

Li-June Itsimaera, Manager Training and Employee Relations